Diary of Ghost at School (Gakkou no Kaidan/学校の怪談) Part Two
Episode 6 : Babasare : a ghost who manifests by taking advantage of children’s fears. Wo don’t believe in ghosts in the first place, can’t see it. In other words, if you don’t get scared, it won’t appear. Conversely, if you think it’s scary, it will just keep coming back. “December 8. During the town assembly’s retreat, one person, Miyo, was home alone when Babasare showed up. I came running and chanted ‘Old hag, begone!’ three times and put it to spiritual sleep in a Shinto Shirine.” Episode 7 : Utsushimi : “How to put Utsusimi to spiritual sleep : to create a barrier by pointing a mirror toward another, large miror.” It’s been believed that mirrors facing each other are portals to the demon world. If we open a door to the demon world, we can summon back the people wo are trapped inside the mirrors. Episode 8 :